There are a few requirements to join the Regiment. Here is a list of these requirements:
- You must be at least 14 years of age.
- You must have a mic.
- You must be active.
1. Make an account by clicking the "Registration" tab at the top left of the website. Make sure to read the rest of this before doing so.
2. Make an enlistment form on the "Enlistment" forum structured like this:
Preferred weapon (Halo Reach):
Clans you've been in before this one:
Why you think you will be an asset to this clan:
What company position best suits you (see the rules for more information on company positions):
3. After enlisting, someone will volunteer to evaluate your skills in Halo Reach. What we look for most though is maturity and communication, as long as you have those, you will be accepted. When you are accepted, you will be put into a company. Good luck soldier.